Thursday, January 29, 2015

Heatran - The Lava Dome (Or Doom)

Today is the day I talk about Heatran, the lava dome Pokemon. Since Heatrans release in IV, it's been a powerhouse in every format, and will continue to be for years to come. Permitting the VGC 2014 year where only Kalos were legal. In 2015 expect to see a ton of Heatran, it's a very versatile Pokemon that can do well bulked up, scarfed, in trick room and quite a few other option. For everyone playing VGC hope you are ready to do a ton resetting, I actually reset my Omega Ruby and put it in Japanese and reset for a flawless Japanese Heatran. And don't forget I will be giving away this said Heatran based on your feedback.

Flash Fire: In doubles right now this is a phenomenal ability. When Heatran is hit with a fire type damage move (including hidden power) it's own fire moves become 1.5 times damage. Also heatran takes no damage from these moves. This means Heatran can happily switch into will-o-wisps, heatwaves, overheats and so on for your team. BEcuase of this ability and already being a hard hitting fire, Heatran Benefits from Charizard-Y and Ninetales drought quite well. I actually was running Charizard-Y religiously until Heatran reentered the format, because me setting up drought was helping enemy Heatran more then my own sun team i decided to stop running Char-Y. Anyway back on topic, something to note will-o-wisps burn is considered a damage move and will activate flash fire, so letting your enemy Gengar or others throw will-o-wisp into your Kangaskhan slot that you switched into Heatran is really amazing.

Heatran's move pool has a few options but it is out shined by only a few typical moves. The most popular moves you will see on Heatran will be protect, earth power, heatwave, flash cannon and substitute. Some other moves you may see are things like hidden power, taunt, solar beam, flamethrower, fire blast, overheat, will-o-wisp and swagger. Most however have protect, earth power, heat wave and flash cannon. Also expect to see bulkier sets like mine, listed below, that have substitute and that opt to have flash cannon or earth power. Other sets that have seen some success in the past are choice scarf/spec sets. I have even also seen super bulk sets with taunt will-o-wisp, and swagger, but I don't think these are to optimal. And remember, all of these sets, except the choice scarf option, are also trick room options, and that some Heatran can even be both a trick room and tail wind Heatran. 

Now, something you need to do on everyone of your vgc 2015 teams is be able to counter Heatran. If you have no checks or counters to Heatran in VGC 2015 you are going to have a bad time. Heatran does have a glaring weakness or X4 to ground, and X2 to water and fighting. Some obvious things to try to counter Heatran is bring some earthquake and earth power users, such as Landorus, Terrakion, Salamance, Garchomp, Hydreigon and of coarse your own Heatran with earth power. Other options would be powerful water moves from Pokemon that will also wall Heatran in the process, the best option being Rotom-W, Politoed, Ludicolo, M-Swampert, Gyardos. Also Fighting moves are going to help break those pesky enemy Heatran, such as low kick Kangaskhan, Superpower Landorus, Terrakion and even some trick roomers like Hariyama and Conkelldurr. Something to note however is that Heatran commonly hold shuca berry, chople berry, and air balloon. Countering Heatran is a truly tricky process, because there are plenty of ways to make a Heatran survive what it is weak to, so your Heatran counter needs to also wall it in some capability. 

Another really important topic at hand is why run Heatran, in other words what is Heatran countering. One thing to note before I get into this section Heatran is resistant to 9 types, that's the most resistances in the entire game. The resistances are normal, flying, bug, steel, grass, psychic, ice, dragon, and fairy, that alone is going to provides man match ups there Heatran will wall enemy pokes. Heatran counters many top usage Pokemon very well, such as Bisharp. Bisharp typically have focus sash, and with Heatran's heatwave you can break the sash, and then next turn finish it off with its earth power, or if the risk of heatwave missing is to great double earth power will suffice. Also the power to wall Sylveon at 1/4 resistance, and being able to hit back with super effective flash cannons. Another Pokemon you wont have to worry to much about with Heatran on your team is Amoonguss, rage powder won't be doing to much when you heatwave away at it. Some other key things to remember is that you will give Mawile a real hard time, and not to mention Heatwave is perfect for breaking focus sash from Whimsicott, Gengar, and Bisharp. 

Now my Heatran spread is still partially generic. what I wanted with my Heatran was a bulkier then usual Heatran that when setting up substitute, abusing leftovers, and being bulky. I'm still working on exact numbers but u find this very effective, and it's exactly the kind of Heatran I wanted. 

ヒードラン (Heatran) @ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 100 Def / 56 SpA / 100 SpD
Modest Nature

Want your chance to win a flawless Japanese Heatran?  All you have to do is give your feedback below and I will pick the best response in the next week. VGC on!


  1. I generally try to keep the top threats in mind when buildimg teams. Heatran is something I am always wary of course. Recently in my mega camerupt team camerupt itself can easily one shot it with earth power and often scares opponents from bringing it in team preview. But in other teams hydreigon with earthpower as well is my favorite counter.

    1. Good point Hydreigon is an amazing counter, Hydreigon resists both the Heatwaves and Flash cannons. Not to mention levitates makes them immune to the earth power. Something to maybe thing about on a choice Heatran would be dragon pulse to at least help with the hydreigon'ss, maybe even hidden power ice would be better. But lots of Hydreigon are scarfed right now so either way Heatran is Probably just going to die to Hydreigon. Thanks for that counter idea, it's a great one.

    2. Well i am a man of my word, and this contest has come to a close. You Andrew Capuno have won this Heatran. Just get a hold of me on my facebook or google+ and i can get it to you asap.

    3. my facebook can be found here

  2. Yeah I can almost always safely switch it in and out speed to get the ko or force the switch
