Tuesday, January 27, 2015

New Giveaway Format and Analysis

In regards to the Heatran giveaway, I am actually going to change the format of how I am going to choose winners. From now on I will do an in depth analysis on a specific Pokemon. In this case it will be the all mighty Heatran, then it is your job to give additional feedback, such as counters I missed, other good moves I didn't mention, a specific EV calculation, why should it be another nature and so on. Then I will pick the best response I find, whether it be the best spread, story or overall best analysis from the comments. This new format for these giveaways will start Thursday, and I will also write a post about my most recent Premiere Challenge victory where I gave up no ko's. I am then going to do a double giveaway and give away another poke that was my MVP from that team, the winner will be the best response on your opinions on my team. My true MVP from this premiere Heatran, so I will actually pick my 2nd MVP from those games, write a review and do the same type of giveaway for that undecided poke. Thank you everyone, VGC on!

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