Thursday, January 22, 2015

What's to Come

For the next couple of weeks I want to lay down a few guides, Pokemon reviews and meta game break downs. Some of the guides I want to cover are things like a note taking, game time, tournament prep, idle, and a gambling guide. Yes I said I want to do a idle and gambling guide, and most won't know what I mean by that. My idle guide will be about using your time and brainstorming effectively while playing competitively and avoiding going blank and making poor game plays, and my gambling guide will be all about the odds and chances in the game, and how to limit RNG and be the best player you can be. Others things I might want to touch base on are some things such as individual Pokemon analysis, meta game breakdowns, team breakdowns, torny team reviews and even write about the most useful tools that each VGC player should be using. For time to some I want to try and post about 3 times a week, excluding my Zero to Hero post, and this What's to come post. Later today I will post a more detailed plan about the guides, posts, and articles to come. In the meantime I want your opinions and ideas, you , yes you. You can message me on my Facebook or e-mail me your ideas. I will get to posting the, what I will call it, the "blog map" later tonight and write my first official post while doing so. Thank you in advance for your ideas and game on everyone.

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